
Change Your Point of View to Have More fulfilling in Life

Change Your Point of View to Have More fulfilling in Life

Why cultivating an optimist's viewpoint leads to a more fulfilling life.

"Two men peer through the same bars: one sees the muck, the other the stars."

A Cluster of Quiet Thoughts, Frederick Langbridge.

If you come in second place in a writing contest, would you rejoice and strive for greater results the following time, or will you be disheartened and find an excuse not to participate again?

In life, you are constantly confronted with options.

You may choose to be a pessimist and live a self-defeating life, or you can choose to be an optimist and live a difficult and meaningful life.

So, why cultivate an optimist's viewpoint?

And why is it now?

Well, optimism has been related to a high mood and morale; academic, athletic, military, occupational, and political achievement; popularity; excellent health, and even a long life and escape from trauma.

Depression and pessimism, on the other hand, have never been higher.

It has the same effect on middle-aged individuals as it does on younger people.

The average age of onset has decreased from 30 to 15.

It is no longer only a problem for middle-aged housewives; it is also a problem for teenagers.

Here are some examples of optimists in action, as well as studies that show why it pays to be an optimist:

Optimists hope for the best.

Pessimists are defined by their tendency to assume that unpleasant events that continue a long time and undermine all they accomplish are their own fault.

The fact is that optimists face the same challenges as everyone else.

What distinguishes them is how they explain their misfortune—-it's inverse.

They tend to believe defeat is just a temporary setback, and that its causes are confined to this one case.

Optimists are more likely to concentrate on and plan for the 'issue' at hand.
They employ positive reinterpretation.'

In other words, individuals are prone to reinterpret an unpleasant event to learn and grow.

Such people are unmoved by adversity; they see it as a challenge and strive harder.

They will not claim that "things will never get better."

"If I fail once, I will fail again," and "If I encounter disaster in one area of my life, it will occur in other areas of my life."

Optimists' positive expectations predict better attitudes during transitions to new contexts, unexpected catastrophes, and unexpected turns of events.

They will get back up if they fall.

They perceive possibilities rather than roadblocks.

People respond favourably to optimists.

  • Optimists are proactive and less reliant on others to be happy.
  • They see no reason to influence or control others.
  • People are frequently drawn to them.
  • Their positive outlook on life may be contagious and affect people around them.
  • Optimism appears to be a socially valued characteristic in all societies.
  • Those who disseminate optimism are typically accepted, but those who propagate pessimism, terror, and hysteria are not.
  • In real life, these people frequently win elections, are voted most agreeable, and are sought for advice.

When things get bad, optimists toughen up.

  • Optimists often retain better levels of subjective well-being throughout stressful situations than pessimists.
  • Pessimists, on the other hand, are more inclined to respond to distressing circumstances by denying their existence or avoiding dealing with them.
  • When challenges emerge, pessimists are more prone to give up.
  • They keep going.
  • They don't give up easily and are recognized for their patience.
  • They're getting closer to that goal or unattainable ambition.

Optimists live longer and are healthier.

  • Simple pleasures and a happy mindset, according to medical studies, can create a quantifiable rise in the body's ability to resist sickness.
  • The health of optimists is especially good.
  • They age nicely, far less afflicted by the regular physical problems of middle age than other individuals.
  • And they outlast others who are prone to negative thinking.
  • So, why not choose to be optimistic today?
  • And consider how you may live a more fulfilling life.
  • Why not be optimistic about your chances of success in all of your endeavours?
  • Why not be tenacious?
  • You, like everyone else, will have lows from time to time but don't remain there.
  • Get yourself out of the muck and you'll have a better chance of getting back on track.
  • And why not motivate people to take off their gloomy glasses and see the sunny side of life?