The 19 Laws of Magnetic Action: Principles for Developing Personal Magnetism and Attractiveness.
FIRST LAW: Relation of Power to "Tone".
The viability of attraction in real life relies on the agreement of "tone" between its holder and some other individual, and in getting such "tone" concordance, on any attractive plane, in a specific mystic state, at some random time, clairvoyant and actual attraction commonly collaborate.
SECOND LAW: Magnetic Intention.
The attractive expectation ("I INTEND MAGNETICALLY") escalates, in any case, oblivious attraction, and goes through all the mass of general etheric vibrations like a topic in muddled music, granting to them solidarity, character, insight, and unequivocal and tremendous viability in a viable business.
THIRD LAW: Influence of Purpose.
In the work of attraction, since a long time ago run reason sets up etheric character, and concentrated reason affirms that person assuming it thinks the broadly useful, however, confounds that person, maybe annihilates it, assuming it alienates the universally useful.
FOURTH LAW: Force of the Ideal.
The vision of the thought process decides the personality of etheric vibrations, and the optimism of attractive exercises decides the nature of attraction accomplished.
FIFTH LAW: Sway of Other Interest.
The overall influence of other interests throughout everyday life, and the specific impact of other interests on extraordinary events, confer to employments of attraction gigantic adequacy, and not least with regards to the self.
6th LAW: Reaction of Admiration.
The cognizance of deference for other people, perceived by them, responds with an enormous ability to animate attractive activity.
SEVENTH LAW: Measure of the Intake.
In the attractive life, admission of force is accurately estimated by the result of force: contrarily in squander, straightforwardly in keen use.
EIGHTH LAW: Adjustment.
Attractive adequacy is proportioned to precision and fulness of change, to things, laws, powers, times, circumstances, characteristics, realities, certainties, and people, and just concentrating on experience can find and build up such change.
The issues of acclimation to people are these:
- With inferiors, to put self attractively, without the presence of haughtiness, on their levels for the end in view, applying then the overall standards of attraction.
- With approaches, to apply the overall standards.
With bosses, to expect to be their level while attractively conceding, without applause or lowliness, to such predominance, paying little mind to its existence or falsity, for the end in view, applying the overall standards of attraction.
9th LAW: The attraction of character.
The attractive worth of change communicates the power and fulfilment with which the individual can distinguish himself from someone else, proposing unity through demeanour, signal, act, eye, tone, language, and clairvoyant compassion.
10th LAW: The utilization of responses.
Attractive ability shows in the way in which valuable responses are gotten and used, negative or apathetic responses are apparently disregarded, yet comprised incitement for additional tireless attractive activity, and threatening responses are denied, without flashiness, however earnestly (if advantageous) to "win out" through better change and expanded attractive undertaking.
11th LAW: Magnetic assault.
Attractive achievement requests the immediate assault when etheric congruity of "tone" is guaranteed, however the roundabout technique in any case; that is, such assault strategies as will get that amicability.
TWELFTH LAW: The victory of threat.
Attraction disregards, and forgoes, invigorating opposition; in any case, when hostility is clear, rejects it and continues on the circuitous assault, or transparently acknowledges it and takes on the immediate or the roundabout technique as the either guarantees speediest and absolute best amicability of "tone".
THIRTEENTH LAW: Mortal abhorrence.
Achievement Magnetism vanquishes the impact of firmly established regular aversions simply by staying away from their causes.
The etheric life is a constant response, and attraction, in this way, shows itself by squaring each issue and rolling out each improvement and each route another chance.
FIFTEENTH LAW: Control of result.
It is essential to know when to open the circuit that is, to remove the current of attractive power for what it's worth to know when to close the circuit to pour forward attractive impacts.
SIXTEENTH LAW: Concession.
Concession becomes attractive in its idealness.
If untimely or late, it routs attraction.
SEVENTEENTH LAW: Harmonic conditions.
Attraction upgrades through the magnificence of individual environmental factors, neatness, request, decoration, craftsmanship, writing, music, and so forth.