
Preparing For Old Age.

Preparing For Old Age.

Preparing for Old Age: The Consequences of our Actions and Attitudes

Socrates was once asked by an understudy, this inquiry:

"What sort of individuals will we be at the point at which we arrive at Elysium?"

Also, the response was this: "We will be the very sort of individuals that we were here."

Assuming there is a daily existence later this, we are planning for it now, similarly as I am today getting ready for my life tomorrow.

What sort of a man will I be tomorrow?

Gracious, about the very sort of a man that I am currently.

The sort of man that I will be one month from now relies on the sort of man that I have been for the current month.

Assuming I am hopeless today, it isn't inside the round of probabilities that I will be remarkably cheerful tomorrow.

Paradise is a propensity.

What's more assuming we are going to Heaven we would become accustomed to it.

Life is a groundwork for the future, and the best groundwork for what's to come is to live as though there were none.

We are setting up constantly for advanced age.

The two things that make advanced age excellent are renunciation and only thought for the freedoms of others.

In the play Ivan the Terrible, the interest is based on one man, Czar Ivan.

If anyone yet Richard Mansfield filled the role, there would not be anything in it.

We get a brief look into the existence of a run dictator the full array of goosedom, surliness, self-centeredness and malcontent.

It just so happens, that this man could kill different men, and this he does and has done as his impulse and temper would direct.

He has been malevolent, brutal, combative, overbearing and awful.

Since he feels the methodology of death, he would come to accept God.

In any case, he has postponed that matter excessively long.

He didn't understand in youth and centre life that he was then planning for advanced age.

Man is the aftereffect of circumstances and logical results, and the causes are to a degree in our grasp.

Life is liquid, and well has it been known as the flood of life we are going, streaming someplace.

Strip Ivan of his robes and crown, and he may be an old rancher and live in Ebenezer.

Each town and town has its Ivan.

To be an Ivan, simply turn your attitude free and practice mercilessness on someone or something inside your range, and the outcome will be a certain groundwork for a fretful, pugnacious, picket, killing, particular and stupid advanced age, complemented with numerous eruptions of fury that are awful in their purposelessness and ineffectualness.

Diaper days have no syndication on the fit.

The characters of King Lear and Ivan the Terrible share much.

One may nearly accept that the author of Ivan had felt the deficiency of Lear, and had seen the ridiculousness of making a sensational bid for compassion in the interest of this elderly person push out by his little girls.

Lear, the irksome, Lear to whose nimble tongue there was continually jumping words unprintable and names of tar, merits no delicate pity at our hands.

For his entire life, he had been preparing his three girls for precisely the treatment he was to get.

For his entire life, Lear had been greasing up the chute that was to give him fast bravery into that dark noon storm.

"Goodness, how more keen than a snake's tooth it is to have a difficult youngster," he cries.

There is something very as awful as an unpleasant youngster, and that is a difficult parent an incensed, peevish parent who has an underground jargon and an attitude to utilize it.

The bogus note in Lear lies in providing for him a girl like Cordelia.

Tolstoy and Mansfield sound valid, and Ivan the Terrible is the thing that he is without a statement of regret, excuse or clarification.

Live with or without it assuming that you try to avoid plays of this sort, go to see Vaudeville.

Mansfield's Ivan is horrendous.

The Czar isn't old in years not more than seventy but instead, you can see that Death is sniffing close upon his track.

Ivan has lost the force of rest.

He can't tune in, gauge and conclude he has no idea or thought for any man or thing this is his propensity forever.

His hard hands are never still the fingers open and shut, and picks at things unceasingly.

He bungles the cross on his bosom, changes his gems, scratches his universe, plays Satan's tattoo, gets up apprehensively and looks behind the lofty position, and pauses his breathing to tune in.

At the point when individuals address him, he damns them brutally if they stoop, and assuming they stand upstanding he blames them for the absence of regard.

He asks that he be calmed from the considerations of the state, and afterwards shakes for dread his kin will trust him.

When requested to remain leader of Russia he continues to revile his councillors and blames them for stacking him with troubles that they would not try to bear.

He is a survivor of love senilis, and here if Mansfield made one stride more his authenticity could be shocking, however, he stops on schedule and proposes what he dares not express.

This reeling, doddering, drooling, sneezing elderly person is enamoured he is going to marry a youthful, delightful young lady.

He chooses gems for her he offers comments concerning what might turn into her magnificence, scoffs and chuckles in broke falsetto.

In the animality of youth, something is satisfying it is normal however the indecencies of an elderly person, when they have become just mental, are generally disgusting.

Individuals about Ivan are in human fear of him, for he is as yet the outright ruler he can advance or shame, to end their lives or let them go free.

They giggle when he chuckles, cry when he does, and watch his transient dispositions with pounding hearts.

He is strongly strict and influences the robe and cowl of a minister.

Around his neck hangs the cross.

He fears that he will kick the bucket without any chance of admission and vindication.

He goes to High Heaven each second, kisses the cross, and his innocuous old mouth contributes petitions to God and condemnations of man simultaneously.

Assuming that anybody is conversing with him he takes no notice, descends until his shoulders possess the privileged position, scratches his leg, and keeps up a running remark of affront "Yes," "Gracious," "obviously," "Unquestionably," "Ugh," "Pay attention to him now!"

There is a satirical side to this that assuages the misfortune and holds the playback from becoming nauseating.

Brief looks at Ivan's past are given in his jerky admissions he is the most hopeless of men, and you see that he is procuring as he has planted.

For his entire life, he has been planning for this.

Every day has been the groundwork for the following.

Ivan kicks the bucket in an attack of fury, throwing curses at his family and the court passes on in an attack of fierceness into which he has been intentionally insulted by a man the eruption is sure to kill the debilitated ruler.

Where does Ivan the Terrible go when Death shuts his eyes?

I know not.

1. Yet, this I accept:

No confession booth can exonerate him no cleric benefit him no God pardon him.

He has doomed himself, and he started the work in his youth.

He was preparing for his entire life for this advanced age, and this advanced age was preparing for the fifth demonstration.

2. The dramatist doesn't say as much, and Mansfield doesn't say as much, however, this is the illustration:

Hate is poison fury is a poison exotic nature prompts passing gripping self-centeredness is a lighting of the flames of agony.

It is every one of them arrangement circumstances and logical results.

On the off chance that you are at any point acquitted, you should exculpate yourself, for no other person can.

What's more, the sooner you start, the better.

We regularly know about the marvels of advanced age, however, the main advanced age that is delightful is the one the man has for some time been getting ready for by carrying on with excellent life.

All of us are correct now getting ready for advanced age.

There might be a substitute someplace on the planet for Good Nature, yet I don't have the foggiest idea where it tends to be found.

The mystery of salvation is this: Keep Sweet.
